Radhika Apte recently took up a Masterclass where the actress spoke extensively of her journey. She kept the crowd enthralled with valuable lessons she has learned in her career.
The show which took place in Pune, Radhika's hometown was completely sold out. The show saw youngsters from all walk of life attending it.
Radhika indulged in a candid chat with the host of the event where they spoke about today's cinema especially focusing on the emergence of Digital platforms in India.
While talking about the masterclass Radhika shared, "This masterclass has been a wonderful experience. I really enjoyed the entire session. I learned so much with such an eclectic crowd."
Radhika Apte who ventured into the Digital space way before anyone with 'Ahalya' two years back, shared her reason behind taking such an unusual step. She understood the true potential and the impact short films and digital platform will have on the audience before it became a popular format.
The actress briefly spoke about her experience while working on six different regional cinema and her fondness for theatrics.
Radhika answered all the impromptu questions by the youngsters in the audience who wanted to learn more about her.
Radhika Apte is truly a revolutionary in our Cinematic world. She has managed to charm everyone with her movie choices and insight.
Monday, November 20, 2017 14:54 IST