As ever Dabang of Bollywood Salman is leaving no stone unturned to ensure that his much awaited cine flick Tiger Zinda Hai turns out to be the movie of the year. After creating loads of ripples in the buzz arena, today Salman released the second song "Dil Diyaan Gallan" from his upcoming movie. The actor launched the teaser of this mesmerizing song in the presence of his ex-flame and co-star Katrina Kaif on his TV reality show Bigg Boss 11.
There is no denying the fact that this visually appealing delight from "Tiger Zinda hai" is a perfect proposal track, and it has all the condiments to make it the romantic ballad of the year.
It is pertinent to mention here that while launching the song Kat said, "The song is close to my heart and I am happy that I am launching this song with Salman". After seeing the song it won`t be wrong to say that Dil Diyan Gallan is perfect song that glorifies the stupendous love story of Tiger and Zoya.
While sharing some of the behind secrets Director of the movie Ali Abbas Zafar revealed that shooting this mesmerizing ballad didn`t come easy for Salman and Katrina, who shot this song on some very difficult terrain in the Alps.
Ali Abbas Zafar further added that "The biggest highlight in this song is the unique Katrina portrait that he has drawn on a frozen lake. We had to shoot on this lake and Salman converted it to a canvas. We had to source natural colors, as ice doesn`t catch all kinds of paints, which didn`t come easy. But once we got hold of this, he created a huge 20 feet by 20 feet portrait that features Katrina`s face. It`s a sight for sore eyes, this painting, and it makes "Dil Diyan Gallan" a truly unique romantic song visually."
Choreographed by Vaibhavi Merchant, this stupendous romantic ballad of Irshad Kamil has been weaved on the tunes of Vishal and Shekhar has been sung by Atif Aslam.
Tiger Zinda Hai is set to release on December 22.
Saturday, December 02, 2017 23:30 IST