Forest officials in western India want to question Bollywood leading man Aamir Khan, who they allege filmed an endangered deer without first seeking official permission, a
news report said.
Wildlife and forest officials in Gujarat State are investigating whether any laws were broken when the actor filmed scenes there for the movie Lagaan, in 2000.
Gujarat's Forest Minister, Mangu Patel, told the press that State officials have asked Khan, who also produced the movie, to appear for questioning on Nov. 6.
The actor was not immediately available for comment, and it was not clear if he planned to go to Gujarat for questioning.
A rare chinkara deer appeared in a short scene in the movie about poor Indian villagers reversing a repressive land tax by beating their British colonial rulers at a game of
cricket. The animal was not harmed, but officials say the film's producers did not have permission to film the animal.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006 11:31 IST