Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan will soon be seen in the upcoming film 'Kaalakaandi', whose trailer dropped online on Wednesday night. Apart from talking about his intriguing new dark comedy, the proud father also gushed about his daughter Sara Ali Khan's highly anticipated film debut in Abhishek Kapoor's 'Kedarnath', opposite Sushant Singh Rajput.
On being asked to share his thoughts on his daughter's first big-screen appearance, he said, "I'm excited for her. When we get closer to her release, it will be like it is my release. I am very confident she will be amazing."
Like any protective dad, Saif had earlier expressed his concerns about Sara's decision to join the film industry saying it worried him about the kind of relationships she would have and how she will deal with failure.
Friday, December 08, 2017 15:15 IST