For the fourth consecutive year, Bollywood actress and model Gauhar Khan has been voted to the top 10 list of '50 Sexiest Asian Women list' in the world.
It is an annual UK poll, which has been released in London recently.
The actress, who is known for her choice of unconventional roles and movies, has ranked ninth position in the coveted list of renowned celebrities.
The 34-year-old actress strongly believes that she has managed to achieve this feat because of her undying love and support from her ardent fans. It is a fan based forum which actually votes for their favourite actors, she said.
"The word sexy has followed the model, actress and TV personality for her entire career like a homing missile. It's not just because of her explosive beauty, knockout figure and heaven-sent ability to make any outfit look hot. It's also that winning personality, inspirational outlook on life and kind heart," the 'Begum Jaan' actress added.
The 'Fever' actress is currently working to launch her own clothing line.
Saturday, December 09, 2017 15:35 IST