Zoom, India`s leading entertainment channel, brings an entertaining twist to the good old board game of Tambola for the first on Indian Television, with the launch of Bollywood Tambola.
An exciting and a high involvement initiative, Bollywood Tambola is tempered with a twist. To participate in this month-long activity till January 09, 2018, viewers have to watch Bollywood`s favorite & latest songs played during the morning break-less band from 8.30 am to 10.30 am.
To register, viewers can give a missed call on 8130566566 and access the unique Tambola ticket every morning via SMS. True to the classic Tambola style, viewers must match the numbers on their tambola ticket with those on TV and stand a chance to win IPHONE X and other grand prizes.
Try your luck with Bollywood Tambola by tuning onto ZOOM between 08:30am to 10:30a.m.
Wednesday, December 13, 2017 13:21 IST