Amidst all the news on biopic Padmavati, this comes as no surprise that someone has finally taken the onus to pen down the true story of Rani Padmavati. This film is being made in order to bring forth the real brave & courageous Maharani Padmavati's life. Sources claim that the writer hails from Rajasthan itself. In fact, the title of the film,` में हूँ महारानी पद्मावती (हिंदी).....`म्हारी महारानी पद्मावती (राजस्थानी)` has been duly registered.
Mein Hoon Maharani Padmavatii is being produced by producer- Ashok Shekhar [Son of Veteran Film Actor Chandrashekhar] and co-produced by Jugral Jain. Lyrics by renowned lyricist Madan Pal & Kuku Prabhas. Legal guidance by prominent lawyer Shailendra Gandhi The film will be directed by Abhishek Bindal.
Mr Ashok Shekhar is stepping back into production after a small hiatus. In the meanwhile he produced various prime time daily's for Tele-Vision. Confirming this association, he says `The title of the film is, `Main Hoon Padmavati`. The film will be made in Hindi and Rajasthani language. We have registered the aforementioned two titles. We will be casting fresh faces for the three lead characters. While the rest of the supporting artist will be well known faces from the Bollywood industry`.
To support the credentials of his story, he adds `Real story of Maharani Padmavati is gathered from the people of Rajasthan. The film will be made under the able guidance of the concerned people of Padmavati`.
The film is expected to go on floors Mid Jan 2018 in Rajasthan itself.
Thursday, December 14, 2017 13:39 IST