Bollywood singer Himesh Reshammiya, who has 36 hit songs to his credit, rocked the famous Wembley Arena here with a show that had the mainly Gujarati audience
dancing and even crying.
Said Farhath Hussain, who promoted the show: "I have got richer thanks to Himesh. The collections were excellent."
While singers like Abhijeet Sawant, Vineet and Wembley-based Indian singer Paresh opened the concert, television actress Sonia Kapoor from the hit soap "Heena" hosted
the show.
In true Bollywood style, Reshammiya made a late entry wearing his trademark cap and opened the concert with his famous "Tera suroor". He kept up a constant interaction
with the audience, including children, encouraging them to come on stage and dance with him.
"I don't mind if the British cops arrest me, but I want a few kids to dance with me on the stage," he said.
Reshammiya's father could also be seen dancing to his son's tunes.
His first concert at Wembley saw Reshammiya unveiling the promo of his film "Aap Ka Suroor - The Movie, The Real Luv Story". Directed by Prashant Chadda, the film is
produced by Vijay Taneja with Reshammiya playing the main lead.
"Aap Ka Suroor...", which is set for release in June 2007, is said to be based on Reshammiya's real life story.
According to Reshammiya, it would not only be the most expensive film ever made in Bollywood, but also the biggest hit that Bollywood has ever seen.
He said next year people would see him perform without his cap for the first time.
Friday, November 03, 2006 12:55 IST