In a traditional muhurat ceremony, Total Dhamaal, featuring franchise regulars Arshad Warsi, Javed Jaffery, Riteish Deshmukh and Ashish Chowdhury and new addition to the film Ajay Devgn, Boman Irani, Anil Kapoor and Madhuri Dixit went on the floors today with an early morning pooja. Boman Irani , who is a part of this franchise has not been part of a traditional Mahurat in a very long time and was very happy and excited at the same time.The film schedule will go on till January 14, the opening sequence will be filmed after which we move out of the city to shoot from February to April."
Boman Iran has known producer- director Indra Kumar and co-producer Ashok Thakeria since his early days and the duo had offered him three-four films in the past which he couldn't do because of prior commitments. "There was a clash of dates this time too but they worked things out and now I'm finally on board. Except for Madhuri I've worked with all my co-actors before. With Ajay I did Tezz in 2012 but we didn't have any scenes together," he added.
Wednesday, January 10, 2018 13:42 IST