ALTBalaji and Manor Rama Pictures' Haq Se starring Rajeev Khandelwal and Surveen Chawla is all set to be released soon. Ekta Kapoor, Karan Raj Kohli and Viraj Kapur were very keen on roping in a film director who would have relevant cinematic understanding to direct this series like a film. Ken was one of the first names that popped into their minds.
Having had several interactions with Ken, the makers were certain that his vision would bring a certain perspective to the series.Commenting on the same, Karan Raj Kohli, co-founder Manor Rama Pictures stated, "Getting Ken Ghosh to direct the series has been a blessing to us. He is the backbone of Haq Se and he brought his own perspective to our vision."
"Ken has directed Ishq Vishk and a couple of other cult films and recently even some really successful shows in the digital medium. Having interacted with him several times, we realized that he had a certain syntax that was necessary for a digital show like Haq Se. He even conducted numerous workshops with each and every primary and secondary cast actor to better the nuances of their characters," co-founder, Viraj Kapur added.
Set in the backdrop of Kashmir, Haq Se is a story based on four sisters, their loves, their lives, and their ambition that is bound by the situation in Kashmir.
The series will release on Alt Balaji worldwide in early 2018.
Saturday, January 13, 2018 12:18 IST