Vikram Bhatt directorial '1921' which was out this Friday has received a wonderful reception at the box office. The horror film has has topped the weekend's box office collection amongst the film released on 12th January by earning a total of ₹ 6.45 cr.
The film has collected much more during the weekend, than Mukkabaaz (₹ 4.04 cr.) & Kaalakaandi (₹ 3.85 cr) which were out the same day.
The Karan Kundra and Zareen Khan starrer is based in the year 1921 and tells a love story amidst a scare fest. The film deals with Ayush & Rose's battle with extreme paranormal activities created by a ruthless and cursed spirit that would lead them to their ultimate redemption or downfall.Motion Picture Capital presents a Loneranger and Reliance Entertainment Production, written and directed by Vikram Bhatt.
The film features debutante Karan Kundrra and Zareen Khan and was shot mostly in Britain.
Tuesday, January 16, 2018 12:31 IST