The song recording was held at Audio Garage Studio Juhu. Lyrics have been penned by Sudhakar Sharma and the music is given by well known music director Vivek Asthana known for his versatile compositions. The director of the film Dinesh Soni said that his film is based on a love story and he is really happy that Shreya who is known for her romantic songs has recorded a song for his film. The film introduces Sonal Soni and Ashay Mishra in the lead roles.
Saturday, January 20, 2018 14:50 IST
Shreya Ghoshal is known as the melody queen when it comes to romantic songs and her songs are loved by listeners worldwide and this is the reason Shreya is the prime choice for all the film makers whose films are based on romantic theme. Recently Shreya recorded a beautiful romantic song for an upcoming film 'Tumse Mil Kar'.
The song recording was held at Audio Garage Studio Juhu. Lyrics have been penned by Sudhakar Sharma and the music is given by well known music director Vivek Asthana known for his versatile compositions. The director of the film Dinesh Soni said that his film is based on a love story and he is really happy that Shreya who is known for her romantic songs has recorded a song for his film. The film introduces Sonal Soni and Ashay Mishra in the lead roles.
The song recording was held at Audio Garage Studio Juhu. Lyrics have been penned by Sudhakar Sharma and the music is given by well known music director Vivek Asthana known for his versatile compositions. The director of the film Dinesh Soni said that his film is based on a love story and he is really happy that Shreya who is known for her romantic songs has recorded a song for his film. The film introduces Sonal Soni and Ashay Mishra in the lead roles.