Bollywood's leading lady Deepika Padukone celebrated the tremendous box office and critical response garnered by her latest magnum opus Padmaavat while feasting on Rajasthani thali.
Ever since the release of Padmaavat film critics from across the country have been showering Deepika with the choicest praises.
In addition to critics, the actress also has been receiving love and appreciation from audience across quarters, a testimony of which was seen on social media with Deepika fans stepping out in large numbers to watch the first-day first show of Padmaavat.
All the love and appreciation from fans and audience has resulted in Deepika's Padmaavat witnessing exceptional opening inspite of protest.
Padmaavat opened to a whopping 19 Cr. on day 1, proving to be one of Deepika's highest opening figures.
Recording and addition of 32 Crs, whatever, Deepika's Padmaavat have been on a winning spree.
The success of the film and the love garnered by the audiences has Deepika feasting over Marwadi cuisines.
The initial reviews cant stop raving about Deepika Padukone's power-packed performance in the film. The epitome of beauty expressed grace, valor and sacrifice all through her eyes winning hearts of the audience.
Saturday, January 27, 2018 22:11 IST