Prakash Jha is all set to host a web show titled Saare Jahan Se Achha. The series will showcase the lives of ordinary individuals who try to create a change in the lives of many through their efforts.
`I am full of gratitude after interacting with the common people who went out of their way to make a change in the lives of other people around them without any expectations in return. Sometimes small contributions make a big impact and it is essential that the story of these people is told; so that the positivity spreads.` Said Prakash Jha speaking on the occasion.
Debutant Director Prakash Bhardwaj commenting on the occasion said; `In an atmosphere when there is so much negativity floating around us in Social Media and News, we were in dire need of something that will make us proud of our fellow citizens and their efforts that help us lead a better life. When the concept was narrated, Prakash sir readily agreed to host it.`
Mzee Singh who was the CEO of the production house; which last produced Sanjay Dutt's comeback film Bhoomi is producing the web show. `It's a pleasure and honor to work with a veteran like Prakash Prakash Jha. Digital is the medium of the future. We are looking at creating a series of 52 such inspiring films, once this is released.`
Tuesday, January 30, 2018 02:39 IST