Yes... You heard that right! Bollywood's leading lady Deepika Padukone has set yet another benchmark for herself with Padmaavat. The film now stands to be Deepika's highest grosser by registering collections of 231 cr in India.
In merely 14 days, Padmaavat has surpassed lifetime collections of Deepika's previous record breaker Chennai Express.
By minting 5.50 cr on its second Wednesday, Padmaavat is holding strong on the box office.
Deepika Padukone's previous highest grosser was Chennai Express which had recorded 227.13 cr in Indian markets.
The film has been experiencing an overwhelming run at the ticket counters across India, with Deepika's Home state Karnataka rising to be the 3rd Hindi movie after Dangal and PK to mint more than 10 cr in a fortnight.
The collections come in line with Deepika's slew of achievements over the past few weeks, making her one of the most commercially viable actresses of Indian cinema.
Padmaavat proves to be Deepika Padukone's 7th film in the 100 cr club and her hattrick in the 200 cr club.
In addition to love coming her way from audience and critics, Deepika Padukone has been riding high on success with her film setting the box office on fire.
Saturday, February 10, 2018 12:00 IST