Abhishek Kapoor's production has decided to part ways with Kriarj Entertainment on Abhishek's next directorial Kedarnath. While the two houses had collaborated on the much ambitious project of Abhishek, the latter no more is a part of the film.
When probed, sources close to the director have revealed that due to default of payments and lack of transparency, Abhishek's production has decided to close the fairly new association.
Abhishek's Kedarnath has been creating noise from the time the project was announced. It also marks the debut of the much talked about Sarah Ali Khan.
The subject of the film also has been immensely talked about, a love story that is set against the backdrop of the devastating incident of 2013 floods. Abhishek has been amidst shooting the film and has completed its first schedule.
Monday, February 12, 2018 12:42 IST