Filmmaker Sajid Nadiadwala has recently made two big announcements of his upcoming projects with include Housefull 4 & Kick 2. A Nadiadwala film is also known for its high scale production values and picturesque locations across the globe. Recently the filmmaker was honoured with the Volare Award from the government of Italy which was presented by Mr. Lorenzo Angeloni, Ambassador for Italy in India along with the presence of Ms. Stefania Ippoliti, President of the Italian Film Commission. The filmmaker was accompanied by his wife Warda Nadiadwala for the grand evening.
The award given is to felicitate the stalwarts of the Indian Film Industry who have made a remarkable contribution in promoting Italy-India friendship and Italy as a destination. Sajid has shot two of his films there Housefull and Kambhakkt Ishq which has his Rocky-Rambo idol Sylvester Stallone who enacted a classic cameo.
Sajid has earlier also received many recognitions for promoting friendship between India and different countries through his films. He has received the Italian territory of Puglia's Official Tourist Board 'Pugliapromozione', along with Apulia Film Commission has dedicated a travel itinerary and has also been conferred with France's prestigious Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters) award. The honour is conferred to people who have distinguished themselves by their creativity in the field of art, culture and literature or for their contribution to the influence of arts in France and throughout the world.
While fans are eagerly awaiting for his Kick 2 and Housefull 4, the next film stated from his banner Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment is Baaghi 2 which will be releasing on 30th March and recently the production house gave out 21st February as the trailer launch date.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018 10:33 IST