Bigg Boss 11 contestants, Shilpa Shinde and Arshi Khan, are in no mood to bury the hatchet, even after weeks of leaving the house. A few days back, Arshi Khan during a press conference said that Shilpa told her inside the house that she will never marry. This annoyed Shilpa Shinde a lot and in an interview, Shilpa replied to Arshi Khan and said, `She is a big liar.`
When contacted Arshi to know what she has to say about Shilpa's accusation and she lashed out Shilpa saying, `Shilpa's fans might not be aware of her this side but people who know her personally are well aware about who she really is. No doubt she is dear and sweetheart but at the same time she knows well how to be a victim. She feels that me, her producers, her co-actors, all are liars- she is the only one who is truthful.`
She further added, "Shilpa has a habit of changing her words. In fact, she has a history of changing stance with time. After her statement where she has called me a liar, one thing is very clear, some people are not worthy of any relationship.`
Arshi and Shilpa had a weird equation even inside the house. There was a brief period when the two contestants were extremely close. Arshi addressed her as 'Maa'. However, as the tradition of the Bigg Boss house is, in no time their equation turned sour and Arshi got close to Hina Khan, by the end of the show.And now, looks like this war of words has still some time to go before it ends.
"I still take shilpa as my friend and she will own my respect. I cant be poor at my heart. I always belive to move forward and remember all good people do with me forgiving the bad," She concluded.
Thursday, February 15, 2018 13:54 IST