Haryanvi singer Vikas Kumar on Monday sent a legal notice to the makers of 'Veerey Ki Wedding' alleging that the song 'Hat Ja Tau' in the film has been originally sung by him and is being used without his permission, breaching Copyrights Act.
Kumar's lawyer has stated that the makers cannot use the song without his permission and will have to pay him Rs. 7 crore.
"They'll have to seek apology from Vikas Kumar, pay him Rs 7 crore as damages and not use the song without his permission. If they don't do this, civil and criminal action will be taken against them after a week. We have also sent a complaint to Central Board of Film Certification (CFBC) Chairman Prasoon Joshi," his lawyer told ANI.
Bigg Boss 11's Sapna Choudhary, who appears in 'Hatt Ja Tau', has sung the song with Sunidhi Chauhan.
'Veerey Ki Wedding' stars Pulkit Samrat, Jimmy Shergill, Kriti Kharbanda, Yuvika Choudhary and Satish Kaushik.
The film is set to release on March 9.
Tuesday, February 20, 2018 13:08 IST