SonyLIV, the premium OTT platform of Sony Pictures Networks India (SPN) has crafted a new short film for IndiaFirst Life Insurance. The promotional film titled 'Tera Mera Pyaar Amar' is a humorous take on life after death and how the protagonist, who is now a ghost, has made sure he protects his family's future in his absence.
The story is about, Amar, who has his life (as well as death) planned. It is an amusing take on how, if one has prepared for all the certainties of life (and death) then it becomes easier for their loved ones to deal with their death. Through a compelling storyline and relatable characters, the film drives home the insurance company's core message that life can be full of certainties if we plan, in advance.
The main film will be of 11 1/2 minutes The film stars Namit Das and Sandeepa Dhar in the lead roles, supported by KabirSadanand and Kunal Kumar.
SonyLIV has always been on the forefront in providing scintillating cinematic experiences through its contextual short films for its audience. It aims to redefine every moment by providing original, contemporary and beautiful stories to bring alive the brand ethos of 'WE LIV TO ENTERTAIN' with its wide-ranging library of diverse content offerings
Thursday, February 22, 2018 15:50 IST