Filmmaker Sajid Nadiadwala took a never before step in Bollywood as he announced the third installment of 'Baaghi' even before the trailer of 'Baaghi 2' released. With his upcoming films including 'Kick 2', 'Housefull 4' and 'Baaghi 3' in the pipeline, Sajid Nadiadwala can be touted as the undisputed King of sequels in Bollywood.
Establishing some of the most successful film franchises in Bollywood, Sajid Nadiadwala's Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment is one of the most successful production houses in the industry.
After the super hit franchise of 'Housefull' and the last year's blockbuster hit 'Judwaa 2', Sajid Nadiadwala is all set to present 'Kick 2', 'Housefull 4' and 'Baaghi 3', offering the industry with three more successful franchises.
While 'Housefull' starring Akshay Kumar and Ritesh Deshmukh created one of the biggest comedy film franchise in India, the fourth installment is all set to go on floors soon.
After presenting one of the best action films with Baaghi, the Tiger Shroff starrer has turned out to be a successful franchise as the third film made its announcement recently.
Making his directorial debut with 'Kick', Sajid Nadiadwala broke all records at the box office, delivering the first 200 crore film. Ever since the sequel is announced audience is eagerly anticipating the Salman Khan starrer.
Almost after 20 years, Sajid Nadiadwala recreated his iconic comedy film Judwaa with Varun Dhawan and Jacqueline Fernandez along with Taapsee Pannu, delivering one of the highest grossers of 2017.
The filmmaker owes the success of his films to the audience saying, "It is a team effort. Nobody decides to make sequels, its the audience that decides whether the second or third film should be made."
Sajid Nadiadwala made a bold move while announcing the third franchise of the Tiger Shroff starrer 'Baaghi 3' even before the trailer of 'Baaghi 2' released. Speaking of the same he said, "I have loved the script, that is the reason I have announced it before, showing the confidence in my director and my actors."
The filmmaker presents a perfect blend of genres, as after the comedy film 'Judwaa 2', Sajid Nadiadwala will be now presenting the action thriller 'Baaghi 2'. Post which the producer will treat the audience with Akshay Kumar starrer 'Housefull 4' and then offer action yet again with Salman Khan starrer 'Kick 2'.
Friday, February 23, 2018 18:09 IST