Raid starring Ajay Devgn, Ileana Dcruz and Saurabh Shukla is all set to hit the theatres on 16th of March, 2018. Set in Lucknow 1981, Raid narrates the story of one of the biggest financial crimes that took place in the history of the country. Ajay Devgn as the dapper officer Amay Patnaik is a perfect foil to the antagonist played by Saurabh Shukla, while Ileana Dcruz as the wife of an honest officer truly complements the cast to the T!
Raj Kumar Gupta has brought together an ensemble of stars for this film. Commenting on the casting, he said, `When we finished the script, we narrated it to Ajar Sir, he loved it! He was very keen to come onboard. I have been wanting to work with him for a while. No one could have played the role of Officer Amay Patnaik better than him, he perfectly suited the role. The same applies to Ileana. We needed an actress to play his wife and Ileana is the perfect mix of innocence and good acting.`
He further added, `Saurabh Sir also came on board immediately because of the script and the strong character that he plays. He was very excited to play the character of Rameshwar 'Rajaji' Singh.`
Gulshan Kumar & Tseries present, A Panorama Studios Production, Produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Kumar Mangat Pathak and Abhishek Pathak, Raid is directed by Raj Kumar Gupta. The film releases on 16th March 2018.
Saturday, February 24, 2018 13:40 IST