Wife of celebrated filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani, Manjeet Hirani is set to launch her book 'How To Be Human - Life Lessons by Buddy Hirani'.
In this book, Manjeet Hirani, who is a well-known influencer and speaker, writes about attachment, parenting, and karma, among other things. She shows how having a dog in the house can alter your perspective and change the way you experience life.
Actress Dia Mirza will pen the foreword for Manjeet Hirani's book 'How To Be Human - Life Lessons by Buddy Hirani'.
Dia Mirza who has been a part of many Rajkumar Hirani films will be penning the foreword for his wife Manjeet Hirani's book and has already started writing.
The actress also expressed her excitement for the book and requested for a signed copy of the film.
Dia Mirza said, "Dear Manjeet,
Please find attached a foreword for your book!
Cant wait to get signed copy :)
How to Be Human is a charming and heart-warming book that, with its light touch, will make you look at life from a less cynical standpoint.
Wednesday, February 28, 2018 14:11 IST