Nidhhi Agerwal who rose to fame with the Ding Dang dance in her debut film alongside Tiger Shroff is all set to feature in her next film directed by Toilet Ek Prem Katha director Shree N and produced by Prerna Arora's KriArj Entertainment.
The actress is very excited to kickstart her second venture and is looking forward to collaborating with KriArj and director Shree N.
Confirming the news Nidhhi Agerwal said, "I'm really happy to be on board for Shree sir's next film. He is amazing and I am sure there is a lot I will get to learn from him and ofcourse from my producer, Prerna. Can't wait to begin this journey and give it my all."
Since its too early to divulge details about the project, the character attributes of Nidhhi's role are kept under wraps.
Nidhhi Agerwal who does not hail from the film industry has made it on her won and finds her roots in Banglore just like Deepika Padukone and Anushka Sharma.
One of the youngest actresses in the industry, Nidhhi Agerwal has earned quite a fanbase in a short span of time gaining 1 million followers on Instagram. Her song Ding Dang girl has also been one of the most popular songs amongst audiences!
Tuesday, March 06, 2018 12:35 IST