The quirky first look of Kangana Ranaut and Rajkummar Rao starrer 'Mental Hai Kya' spread like wildfire and broke the internet yesterday. Taking the excitement a notch higher, the makers released another edgy and captivating look today piquing the audience's curiosity about the film further.
Divulging an intriguing side of the film, the second look of Kangana and Rajkummar draws you into their thrilling and amusing world, further pushing the idea of "sanity is overrated "
The makers are very well living up to the promise of 'Go Mental' this week by treating everyone with never-seen-before avatars of these stellar performers.
Directed by national award-winning director Prakash Kovelamudi and written by Kanika Dhillon, Mental Hai Kya is produced by Ekta Kapoor's Balaji Motion Pictures and Shaailesh R Singh's Karma Media and Entertainment.
Tuesday, March 06, 2018 13:49 IST