Maniesh Paul, who is known for his perfect anchoring, will be seen doing action sequence and dance for the first time on screen in director Vishwas Paandya's, Baa Baaa Black Sheep. Not only that, the talented actor also shot for a song sequence on Jet Ski despite not knowing how to swim.
Commenting on the same, Maniesh said, "Action & dance both on screen were new for me, and I don't know how to swim at all ! But that what acting is all about ! Doing things which you don't know convincingly! Shooting for the song was a thrilling experience, but now i am going to learn how to swim for sure"
Baa Baaa Black Sheep, directed by Vishwas Paandya, stars Maniesh Paul, Anupam Kher, Annu Kapoor, Manjari Fadnnis & Kay Kay Menon in a special appearance. Produced by Anand Swarup Agarwal & Krishna Datla, under the banner Agastya Films, it is a Soham Rockstar Entertainment and Swarup Productions presentation. The film will release on March 23rd, 2018.
Saturday, March 10, 2018 15:34 IST