The talented actor will be shooting in and around U. P, even in hometown Lucknow and other places including Vrindavan. Now the latest news is that the leading lady of the film has been finalised and Ali will be seen romancing south star Shraddha Srinath on screen. One of South India's leading actors who has made her mark in Tamil, Telugu and Kannada cinema, Shraddha will join the team in Lucknow in a few days. The duo together have the experience of working in five different film industries, we cannot wait to see the fireworks they create on screen.
Tuesday, March 13, 2018 13:48 IST
Ali Fazal, the Bollywood young star and Hollywood lead of Victoria and Abdul fame will start shooting for Tigmanshu Dhulia's much talked about and long awaited, Milan Talkies, this month. After years of discussion on who would act in the Paan Singh Tomar director's film, it seems like Mr. Dhulia has narrowed in on the right man for the job.
The talented actor will be shooting in and around U. P, even in hometown Lucknow and other places including Vrindavan. Now the latest news is that the leading lady of the film has been finalised and Ali will be seen romancing south star Shraddha Srinath on screen. One of South India's leading actors who has made her mark in Tamil, Telugu and Kannada cinema, Shraddha will join the team in Lucknow in a few days. The duo together have the experience of working in five different film industries, we cannot wait to see the fireworks they create on screen.
The talented actor will be shooting in and around U. P, even in hometown Lucknow and other places including Vrindavan. Now the latest news is that the leading lady of the film has been finalised and Ali will be seen romancing south star Shraddha Srinath on screen. One of South India's leading actors who has made her mark in Tamil, Telugu and Kannada cinema, Shraddha will join the team in Lucknow in a few days. The duo together have the experience of working in five different film industries, we cannot wait to see the fireworks they create on screen.