Young actor Ali Fazal who created buzz last year with his Hollywood release Victoria and Abdul and then with his Bollywood release Fukrey Returns is now turned as a tech evangelist for his childhood friend. Off late we have suddenly noticed his social media bio has been changed into a tech evangelist, the reason behind it Ali is partnering up with his childhood buddy Ankit Kumar who has created an App that Ali will be soon revealing. The app is named 'Balance' and is a saving assistant for the #urbanbroke millennial to save up money and grow it better than a traditional bank account.
Speaking about this app Ali said, "I've been a science and math guy all my life. Here was a genius friend of mine Ankit Kumar along with Abhishek Malik, co-founder(CTO) ( IIT Kanpur) came up with this brilliant idea. They have developed an app because the world is changing and people love pushing buttons. We want something quick and easy and we don't want middlemen handling that for us.This app will help shape a better future for the current lot and the next lot of young entrepreneurs, individuals, artists, corporates, students, even under-age students, school kids you name them. I got on board this app as one of the partners and shareholders. And we look forward to bring this in with the tide of this new season. "
Today's young generation who has the capacity for earning good but couldn't save money to fulfill their dreams. This app will help them to reach out their goal by saving a nominal amount from their spending. Ali who started his acting career being so young understands today's generation issues related to their expenditure took up the task by partnering with his friend by promoting the App on his social platforms and other areas of opportunities.
Thursday, March 15, 2018 13:57 IST