Taapsee Pannu is simultaneously shooting for Manmarziyaan in Amritsar, for Adhi Pinnishetty's movie in Hyderabad and for two brand commercials in April alone. The PINK actress has been on a back to back shooting spree which is making it difficult for producers to figure out the release date of her upcoming films. As Taapsee is swamped with work, the producers want to make sure she has enough time to promote the release of the films and take part in all the marketing activities.
Some producers are waiting until the actress has a little gap in her schedule before confirming the release date of their film. The Naam Shabana actress has Mulq scheduled to release mid-year where she will be playing a lawyer and Rishi Kapoor's daughter in law. Also, the audiences will see her as a Punjabi kudi both in Soorma, a film on Sandeep Singh which is slated for its release mid-year as well and in Manmarizyaan alongside Vicky Kaushal and Abhishek Bachchan!
Thursday, March 29, 2018 13:57 IST