Actress Richa Chadha after pleasantly surprising the audiences with her acting chops with her latest release 3 Storeys is seen attending courtrooms and meeting some of her lawyer friends. Richa after returning from The US where she was seen attending the pre-Oscar parties along with her beau actor Ali Fazal immediately started preparing herself for her forthcoming film Section 375 where she is playing lawyer alongside Akshaye Khanna. The whole idea to attend real courtrooms, meeting her lawyer friends and even reading to some law books is a part of her preparation. Richa will be playing lawyer for the first time onscreen and she doesn't want to leave any stone unturned to portray the role aptly.
Richa will soon be attending some of the hearings in real courtrooms to understand the nuances of debate in a courtroom between two lawyers and judge. She has never been part of any courtroom trials before so to understand the court proceedings for preparing her role she'll be attending the courtrooms. Other than this she is also meeting some of her lawyer friends and took to reading law books to understand some of the important sections that are part of the film, especially Section 375.
Tuesday, April 03, 2018 16:10 IST