Bhumi Pednekar, who recently wrapped up Abhishek Chaubey's Son Chiriya alongside Sushant Singh Rajput, has convincingly metamorphosed into a female dacoit in the Chambal ravines in the '70s. In keeping with the hinterland setting and time period, the actress's character, described as "bold yet vulnerable," will be seen in simple saris and long-sleeved blouses with minimal makeup even as she wields guns. Her path crosses that of another dacoit from the region, played by Sushant.
"While the film's team shot in Chambal for the last three months in sweltering heat - the temperatures would sometimes shoot up to over 40 degrees in the jungles - the actress prepped for her part by learning the Bundelkhandi dialect and interacting with the local women. The film wrapped up last week. Bhumi plays a young widow," a source added. The Ronnie Screwvala production also features Manoj Bajpayee in a pivotal role.
Meanwhile, Bhumi gives her director all credit for her new screen avatar. "Abhishek is a master at creating characters and has crafted iconic protagonists through his films (Ishqiya, Dedh Ishqiya and Udta Punjab). My look is a stroke of genius. It was his vision that created a character who exudes vulnerability and yet is strong, gritty and bold. Working with Abhishek and Sushant has been one of my most fulfilling creative collaborations," says the actress.
Sudip Sharma, who has co-written Son Chiriya with Abhishek, had earlier informed that he had visited Chambal and interacted with reformed dacoits from the era as part of initial research. "Some of them have more than 80 murder charges on them. Everyone has heard horror stories about the dacoits of Chambal, but I've realised the reality is quite different from what Hindi films portray. We aim to capture that reality," he had informed.
Wednesday, April 04, 2018 13:05 IST