Viacom18's video on demand platform - VOOT is bringing back the iconic MTV Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan for its third season. The show, that enjoyed a cult fan following and created ripples on MTV during its previous seasons returns to captivate viewers once again, this time as a VOOT Original. Reprising their roles as the protagonists of this young romantic drama is television heartthrob Parth Samthaan and the scintillating Niti Taylor. During the shoot of the show, it has come to light that Niti Taylor (Nandini) has a quirk of creating multiple chat groups on her cell phone to connect with friends and family for no reason. According to a source, Niti is well known for making these groups but eventually, she ends up talking on none. In fact, she has also created groups for the on ground teams on the set of KYY 3. Well, it looks like Niti is definitely a closet tech addict. VOOT Original Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan 3, produced by BBC Worldwide India promises to up the ante of entertainment and enthral audiences again, very soon.
About the show: Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan revolves around the life of Five friends who formed Fab 5, a musical group in the coolest college of the city, strive to achieve their goals and battle issues of the heart along the way. Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan is one of the most beloved show across India and the show has a huge fan base. The show used to previously air on MTV, and the makers are now back with an all new season of Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan S3 on VOOT.
Saturday, April 07, 2018 13:36 IST