Actor Salman Khan who was convicted by Jodhpur court in 20 years old famous blackbuck poaching case has been granted bail by a District and Sessions Court. The actor was granted bail on two bonds of Rs 50,000 each. He's expected to be released from Jodhpur Central Jail by evening.
The bail plea was heard in a Jodhpur court on Saturday regarding the actor's conviction for 5 years in the endangered species' poaching case.
Earlier, the hearing was supposed to happen on Friday but was rescheduled to the next day due to the transfer of 88 judges by the Rajasthan High Court.
The actor had on Thursday appealed for a bail following his conviction in the 20-year-old case.
Salman was sentenced to five years in prison after being convicted of killing two blackbucks in Jodhpur during the shooting of his movie 'Hum Saath Saath Hain' in 1998.
The other 4 accused - actors Saif Ali Khan, Tabu, Neelam, and Sonali Bendre - were acquitted in the case.
Saturday, April 07, 2018 16:02 IST