Shriya Pilgaonkar who made her Bollywood debut as Shahrukh Khan's love interest in Fan , has now joined the cast of Anubhav Sinha's next film - 'Abhi Toh Party Shuru Hui Hai'. The film also stars Richa Chadha, Pankaj Tripathi, Saurabh Shukla, Vinay Pathak , Manoj Pahwa and Kumud Mishra . With such an incredible ensemble, this film is already generating a lot of excitement.
Commenting on her next film the pretty actress said, ` Yes , We've begun filming in Lucknow . It's an outstanding script written by Anubhav Sir and I am super excited to work with these powerhouse performers who have been on my wish list of actors to work with . It's a dream team for sure .`
Shriya will also be seen in 'Mirzapur' , a web show produced by Excel Entertainment starring Ali Fazal , Vikrant Massey , Shweta Tripathi amongst others .
Tuesday, April 10, 2018 13:07 IST