Actor Harshvardhan Kapoor is up for any amount of preparation for his upcoming project, which is a biopic based on the life of retired professional shooter, Abhinav Bindra, who became the first Indian to win an individual gold medal at the Olympic Games.
It was earlier confirmed that this film is doubly special for Kapoor as he will be sharing screen with his father, Anil Kapoor. If sources are to be believed the promising actor will leave for Chandigarh (Bindra's hometown) along with his father, as soon as the shooting of Bhavesh Joshi is wrapped up, so as to prep for their highly anticipated next together. The father-son duo will be gearing up to familiarize with their respective characters and understand the film's milieu.
As per sources, "Both the Kapoors have freed their calendar from July to October, in order to accommodate the prep for the biopic. Right after Bhavesh Joshi release, he and his father will fly to Chandigarh. The movie will be on floors by January as soon as their prep concludes.
Tuesday, April 17, 2018 14:03 IST