Gauahar Khan, appreciated for her performances in Begum Jaan, Ishqzaade and countless other blockbusters turned into an entrepreneur on 15th March, 2018. Known to the fact that her fashion sense is loved by the masses both on and off screen, she launched her clothing called Gauahargeous. To ensure that quality tops the priority list, right from fabric sourcing to faultless stitching, Gauahar took steps in a way that every piece of accouterment is nothing less than a masterpiece.
It has been just a month that Gauahargeous was set in motion but it has not failed to receive immense love and recognition from her fans all over the country. Gauahar Khan also got an opportunity to showcase her exquisite collection at Pernia's Pop Up show.
Commenting on the same Gauahar says, "Gauahargeous is my baby, I have worked really hard for over a year to make certain that everything falls into place and seeing that everyone is really liking and giving their precious testimonials to the brand is overwhelming."
Wednesday, April 18, 2018 10:42 IST