Acclaimed actor Kumud Mishra, who gained popularity as Khatana in Imtiaz Ali's 'Rockstar' and played notable roles in films like Filmistaan, Jolly LLB 2, Sultan, Tiger Zinda Hai and others, shall be venturing the digital space with debutant director Tarun Dudeja's 'Listener'.
'Listener' is setup in a world where an individual is an ace story teller for his daughter and a listener for the rest of the world. The short film has already won laurels at film festivals like Best Film, Hindustan times, Kala Ghoda Arts Festival, Mumbai and Best Cinematography award in 8th Jaipur International Film Festival. It is also the official selection at film festivals like 16th New York Indian Film Festival, 22nd International Short film Week, Regensburg, Germany, 17th Circolo Sogni International Short film festival, Ravenna, Italy and others.
'Listener' is all set to release this weekend on Large Short Films On YouTube and also stars critically acclaimed actors Yusuf Hussain, Shivani Tanksale & Shashank Arora.
Wednesday, April 18, 2018 13:05 IST