The actor was awarded this honour at a prestigious venue in Mumbai. He received this praise for his 'Excellence in Cinema' and expanse of work in the industry. He was chosen for the same by the Bihar Foundations, Mumbai Chapter. They award and recognize citizens from Bihar who are making a mark and name for themselves in Mumbai. When asked about receiving the award, Mr. Tripathi stated, `It means a lot to receive this award for my efforts in the industry and Mumbai. This award is for every farmer's son who even with all the issues he has to deal with, dreams of touching the sky. I am so honoured that my Janmabhoomi and Karmabhoomi's heads came together to felicitate this award.`
Thursday, April 19, 2018 13:52 IST
Pankaj Tripathi has been in the news for all the right reasons recently. He recently bagged the Special Mention Award for his role in Newton at the 65th National Awards. To add to this amazing win, he was also awarded the Bihar Samman, by the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Devendra Fadnavis and the Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar, Susheel Modi.
The actor was awarded this honour at a prestigious venue in Mumbai. He received this praise for his 'Excellence in Cinema' and expanse of work in the industry. He was chosen for the same by the Bihar Foundations, Mumbai Chapter. They award and recognize citizens from Bihar who are making a mark and name for themselves in Mumbai. When asked about receiving the award, Mr. Tripathi stated, `It means a lot to receive this award for my efforts in the industry and Mumbai. This award is for every farmer's son who even with all the issues he has to deal with, dreams of touching the sky. I am so honoured that my Janmabhoomi and Karmabhoomi's heads came together to felicitate this award.`
The actor was awarded this honour at a prestigious venue in Mumbai. He received this praise for his 'Excellence in Cinema' and expanse of work in the industry. He was chosen for the same by the Bihar Foundations, Mumbai Chapter. They award and recognize citizens from Bihar who are making a mark and name for themselves in Mumbai. When asked about receiving the award, Mr. Tripathi stated, `It means a lot to receive this award for my efforts in the industry and Mumbai. This award is for every farmer's son who even with all the issues he has to deal with, dreams of touching the sky. I am so honoured that my Janmabhoomi and Karmabhoomi's heads came together to felicitate this award.`