Taapsee Pannu has been making waves this year by shooting for three back to back films. Even though it is only April, the actress has been swamped with shooting Mulq, a Telugu Film by Aadhi Pinnishetty and now Manmarziyaan, which is currently ongoing. Currently, she is spending her time in the beautiful countryside of Punjab connecting to her roots. Coincidentally her Co-star Vicky Kaushal too is a hardcore Punjabi and that called for a great reason for some fun bonding on the sets between the two.
Taapsee and Vicky are both Punjabis who share the love for Punjabi food, songs and traditions. While Vicky is adept at speaking the language, Taapsee Pannu has been reading and writing Gurmukhi since she was a child, so putting this skill to good use, she began teaching Vicky how to read and write the language. Over the period of the Manmarziyaan shoot in Amritsar, Taapsee began quizzing Vicky on his alphabets and event sent him texts using the Gurmukhi notepad and made him translate, to ensure her student was keeping up with his classes.
When asked Taapsee, she said, `I was pleasantly surprised to know how well Vicky spoke in Punjabi. Don't really get to hear that in Mumbai much. While in Amritsar there were so many signboards and hoardings in Punjabi that it became a fun activity for us to read them. I have studied Punjabi in school till 10th standard so can read and write in Punjabi script pretty well. Vicky could also read Punjabi decently but it was fun to help him read and write a few words and alphabets which he wasn't probably sure of. It took me back to my school days.`
Not only is she a brilliant actress, but seems like Taapsee Pannu might also be an amazing teacher and strict taskmaster.
Thursday, April 19, 2018 14:03 IST