After Tuesday's game between Mumbai Indians and Sunrisers Hyderabad. Reacting to Mumbai Indians Hardik Pandya scoring 3 runs off 19 balls, so many users wrote so many things and troll him so bad. One of the trolls was, "Even the traffic in Mumbai city is faster then Hardik Pandya's batting". Another user wrote that"Calling Hardik Pandya an All-rounder is a Bigger Scam than 2G Scam". And one other troll was, "Cancelled an Ola ride because the driver was driving like Hardik Pandya's inning".
Some of the people say that after looking at Hardik Pandya's innings against SRH the BCCI is definitely going to select him for England tour for the test series, while some of the users want to give a lifetime achievement award to Hardik Pandya for his Tuesday's inning 3(19).
Tuesday's game between SRH and MI was such a low scoring match in IPL 2018. Where SRH won the toss and chose to bat first and scores only 118 runs by losing all the wickets in just 18.4 overs, while getting such a small target to chase MI still could not make it through and lost all the wickets in just 18.5 overs by making only 87 runs. SRH won that match by 31 runs. While the bowlers of MI does great, the batsmen could not give their best against SRH. That is why they have to face defeat in Tuesday's game.
Friday, April 27, 2018 13:39 IST