Soorma, an upcoming biopic made on legendary Hockey player Sandeep Singh Singh's life journey is all set to release on 13th July, 2018. The film was earlier slated to release on 29th June 2018.
The film stars Diljit Dosanjh and Taapsee Pannu in the lead role.
Sandeep Singh is a legendary Hockey player and the ex-Captain of the Indian National Hockey Team and he has been hailed as one of the world' most dangerous drag-flickers of all time with drag speeds of over 145 km/hr which led to his nickname, 'Flicker Singh'.
His inspiring story has had the makers keen to bring his life on the silver screen.
Produced by Sony Pictures Networks Productions, Chitrangda Singh and Deepak Singh, Soorma is written & directed by Shaad Ali and is slated to release on 13th July, 2018.
Friday, April 27, 2018 13:47 IST