The shoot of director Abhishek Varman's Kalank has already started. While Alia Bhatt and Varun Dhawan are busy shooting for Kalank in Mumbai, Madhuri Dixit who is also a part of the cast has joined them from today. The film has an ensemble cast which also includes Sonakshi Sinha, Aditya Roy Kapur, and Sanjay Dutt.
Confirming the news, Madhuri says, " 'I am excited to start the shoot for Kalank today. It's my second association with Karan Johar after Bucket List, which is being presented by him. It's been a lovely journey so far. I can't wait to begin this one.`
Alia Bhatt is also excited to shoot with Madhuri, she says," I will be shooting with Madhuri Dixit for the first time. I hope I don't forget my line when I see her smile.
Kalank, produced by Fox Star Studios, Dharma Productions, and Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment is slated to release on 19th April 2019
Friday, April 27, 2018 13:47 IST