Superstar Mahesh Babu's recent film Bharat Ane Nenu opened to huge positive buzz and packed houses all over. The movie had an exceptional first week and it grossed Rs 161 crores in week one. Showing no signs of slowing down, Bharat Ane Nenu is even having its dream run in second week all over. The film even took the advantage of Mayday and it raked massive revenues on the holiday.
Bharat Ane Nenu collected Rs 192.74 crores in 12 days of its run and is still counting all over. The film had a super strong second weekend and has been minting decent revenues on weekdays. Bharat Ane Nenu is inching the magical mark of 3.5 million USD in the USA. Bharat Ane Nenu created ripples across Tamil Nadu and it grossed over Rs 1.75 crores in Chennai alone.
Bharat Ane Nenu which also had a wide release in Karnataka is performing well and the Bengaluru figures have been exceptional.
The film is expected to cross Rs 200 crore mark in two weeks and it will end up as a second biggest hit in Telugu cinema. DVV Entertainments produced the film while Devi Sri Prasad composed the tunes.
The political drama features Mahesh Babu playing the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh. Bharat Ane Nenu showcases the journey of a young graduate taking on the state to fight for the rights of his people. The film has released on the big screen today with a roaring response from Mahesh Babu fans.
Thursday, May 03, 2018 15:20 IST