Ali Fazal and Amyra Dastur are all set to star in Telugu filmmaker Deva Katta's cult classic, Prasthanam's Hindi remake, alongside Sanjay Dutt. The director of the original will be returning to helm the Hindi project, titled Prasthaanam that goes on floors in the first week of June.
Sanjay Dutt will be seen as the main lead, playing the patriarch of a powerful political dynasty. Victoria and Abdul actor, Ali Fazal will be playing the Munnabhai actor's son, whereas Amyra is all set to play the former's love interest. The film, like the original, will be a political drama, save for a few changes in the script as Deva wants to cater to the pan-Indian audience.
The Telugu film, starring Sai Kumar, revolved around a young man belonging to a powerful political family who wants to expose the network between politicians and businessmen. The film was a huge blockbuster and even won 3 Filmfare award down South.
Prasthaanam marks the return of Sanjay Dutt to production after 7 years, following his last stint with David Dhawan's Rascals in 2011.
Tuesday, May 15, 2018 14:55 IST