Nikkhil Advani is all set to make his next directorial venture with John Abraham in the lead. After directing the much-acclaimed 'D-Day' & 'POW: Bandhi Yuddh Ke' and producing 'Airlift', he will tell the story of the encounter at L-18 Batla House, Delhi which happened in September 2008. It was one of the most talked-about police operations of recent times.
Nikkhil Advani last directed John Abraham in Salaam-E-Ishq and is currently producing Satyameva Jayate starring John Abraham and Manoj Bajpayee which is releasing on 15th Aug 2018. 'Batla House' will go on floors this September and will be shot in Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur & Nepal. The film will be produced by Emmay Entertainment & Motion Pictures LLP in association with Bake My Cake Films.
Wednesday, May 16, 2018 13:55 IST