Actor Vicky Kaushal who turned 30 yesterday, is soaring high with the response of his recent release Raazi. He says, "Raazi has made my birthday special and I want to thank the people who have seen it and are showering us with so much love."
On talking about the appreciation Raazi received he adds, "I'm so happy to read the reviews and see people sharing their feelings on social media after watching the film. This is exactly what we felt after reading the script and we were able to translate that on screen. It's a surreal feeling."
When asked about his plans on his birthday he said, "I am working. I will be taking off for Serbia in the next 10 days to shoot for my next film, Uri. I'm attending some workshops for it. Today, I'll be doing a five-hour workshop. Then I might catch up with the Raazi team and meet the media to thank them."
Vicky Kaushal, who loves working birthdays will be next seen in Karan Johar's Lust stories, Anurag Kashyap's Manmarziyan and Sanju.
Thursday, May 17, 2018 12:22 IST