Actor Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are in news these days for their alleged relationship. Recently when Alia Bhatt appeared on Rajat Sharma's 'Aap Ki Adalat', she was asked about her relationship status but Alia did not answer that and stayed mum about it. Though Alia didn't say anything about her relationship status she has admitted it in the past that she has a crush on Ranbir Kapoor.
Recently, at a press conference for IIFA 2018, where Ranbir Kapoor was present, the media asked Ranbir about Alia and her 'girl crush' on him, he said that now he has a boy crush on her and KJo even reacted with an 'Awwww'!
Now what we can say more? Both these actors have admitted that they like each other. Is it just because they are doing a film together or is it something else? Let's wait and watch!
Saturday, May 19, 2018 14:08 IST