The existence of voice over artists was established only after popular names like Ranveer Singh, Bhuvan Bam and Sharad Kelkar dubbed for the leading characters of blockbuster movies. Pallavi Bharti - who herself is an immensely experienced and talented artist in the field - feels that the involvement of popular figures would be beneficial to other people who have been contributing in this industry since ages.
"It was always disheartening to see how the work of voice over artists like me got shielded by the star power. For instance, I have given many years of my life dubbing for renowned actors. Also, I have recorded for uncountable ad campaigns, TV shows and what not. But I was never applauded as much I deserve to be," she mentioned.
Elaborating further, she said, "as far as I remember, it was only after Sharad Kelkar caught eyeballs for recording the dialogues of Baahubali (Hindi), majority got to know about the growing demands of a voice over artist. Following Kelkar, other public figures including Bhuvan Bam agreed to work in the field. The latest in the line is Ranveer Singh, who is making news for dubbing the Hindi version of Deadpool."
"However, I am happy about the changing scenarios. It feels good to see leading actors willingly coming forward to work as voice over artists. It gives me hope that our industry will be valued and respected even more."
Pallavi feels that this might also open the gateways for the budding talents, who wish to make a full time career in the field, but backs out for whatsoever reasons.
Saturday, May 26, 2018 13:56 IST