Teri Bhabhi Hain Pagle`s trailer is a rollercoaster ride of entertainment with the maharathis of comedy. The trailer and poster was launched today in the presence of film cast Krushna Abhishek, Rajniesh Duggall, Nazia Hussain, Mukul Dev, Claudia, Vinit Sharma and Director Vinod Tiwari. The film is comedy drama of a complicated love story of a film shoot where the director, actor and an underworld don played by Rajniesh Duggall, Krushna Abhishek and Mukul Dev respectively are busy wooing the leading lady, Ragni played by Nazia Hussain.
Debutant director Vinod Tiwari says, "The concept of the film came to me when I noticed few people who were running behind an actress with a cup of coffee with them, the actress wasn`t least bit interested and kept politely refusing. So I thought of making a comedy drama on the same. Everybody tries to woo the heroine on the set."
The film also stars Deepshika Nagpal, Khayali Ram, Nancy Marwah and Aman Verma and is presented by Nostrum Entertainment, produced by Raj Nostrum, Haresh Kumar Nor and Vinod Tiwari and will release on 13th July, 2018.
Tuesday, June 05, 2018 13:58 IST