Trust Aamir Khan to create trends and set precedents, his Instagram debut did no different. One of Bollywood's most-watched actors, Aamir Khan joined the social media platform on his birthday, March 14th this year and has redefined the functioning of Instagram.
Aamir Khan had a much talked about debut on Instagram, the actor made headlines for exerting his creative maverick quality and using Instagram differently. Aamir Khan took to posting 9 grid images and eliminating the feature of archiving on Instagram, by limiting his Insta page to hosting only 1 content unit at a time.
Each time the Superstar takes to Instagram, he posts a series of 9 posts, that appear as puzzles on the home feed of users. It is only when you visit Aamir's profile is when the image, a 9 grid collage is seen in entirety.
Not just this, the actor replaces the previous image with a new one each time he uses the social networking platform, eliminating the feature of archiving pictures.
The unique strategy has emerged as a game changer and has grabbed eyeballs of many other BTown celebs who have followed suit. Here are all the Bollywood celebrities who now use Instagram a la Aamir Khan :
The latest in the league was Miss World Aishwarya Rai Bachchan copying his idea. The actress marked her Instagram debut choosing to follow the footsteps of Aamir Khan.
Earlier, Farhan Akhtar who is quite active on his Instagram also was seen following the similar pattern of uploading a 9 grid post. The actor had posted back to back 3 grid posts in a short span of time.
The young gun, Sushant Singh Rajput who has lately been in the news for deleting his Instagram picture has been following the same technique as Aamir.
Aamir who is touted to be a trendsetter, this time too, he has redefined the pop culture.
Tuesday, June 05, 2018 14:00 IST